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Guest Lectures
Be requested or apply to speak in high school + college classes and panels

Guide students via career-focused mentorship sessions

Knowledge Sessions
Be invited to share your expertise in informal video chats and blog posts

Why Join?
- Connect and collaborate with industry and academic experts in your field - globally!
- Amplify your contribution and research
- Grow your personal brand
- Giving back is good for the soul
Your Impact
- Inspire, encourage and mentor students around the world and across colleges
- Help first-generation college students charter their own career paths
- Share your subject matter expertise on college campuses in countries where your industry / field is still growing

The Stories We Tell
B2B Tech Marketing
Opportunities in B2B Technology Marketing

In conversation with: Mr. Kevin Beatty
Educator & B2B Marketing Executive at MDaemon Technologies
Medical Marketing
What is medical devices marketing?

In conversation with: Pete Alexander
Recovering Medical Sales Exec & Stress Management Specialist
Public Relations
What are the different opportunities in public relations?

In conversation with: Dr. Tuong-Minh (Clāra) Ly-Le
Lecturer & Managing Director at EloQ Communications, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Design Thinking
What is design thinking and why it matters today?

In conversation with: Niket Karajagi
Tech-Educator, Leadership Coach & CEO, Atyaasaa, Pune, India
Book Publishing
Struggles, successes and learnings in academic publishing

In conversation with: Dr. Aditi Paul, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor at Pace University, Communication Studies
New York City
Career Transitions
Transitioning from industry to academia

In conversation with: Dr. Rodney Ramcharan
Professor, USC Marshall School of Business , Los Angeles, CA, USA
What can you do with a degree in accounting?

In conversation with: Dr. Syed Zaidi
Associate Professor of Accounting at Louisiana State University
Shreveport, LA, USA
A career in finance and pursuing a MBA

In conversation with: Puneet Kapoor
VP and Trader, Capital Group
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Member Spotlights
Community Stars
Active Member

Ebony Utley
Cares deeply about the success of the community !
Well Recommended

Kevin Beatty
Passionately helps first-generation students!
Willing Helper

Dr. Shaun Anderson
Strengthens relationships and partners to help!
Power User

Clāra (Tuong-Minh) Ly-Le
Uses the SpeakerPost platform frequently!